On Sunday, an international food truck market was being held. Problem was, that the location would be at a walking distance of 45 minutes… The solution for me, and compromise for Gina (mentor), was going by bike. However, with Gina on the back of mine, something that was unimaginable for her. While everything went okay, she feared for her life (sorry Gina!) and we got there safely. It was a good thing we decided to go, because I tried a delicious Puerto Rican empanada.
The next day, I got to try a “high quality Subway” as a friend put it; called the Firehouse Subs. It indeed was delicious and a bit out of town (25 minute walk). Then, just when we decided to go back, it started raining cats and dogs, unbelievably bad. Remember those 25 minutes? We also had to walk it back since the rain wouldn’t stop anytime soon. Also, the rain themed songs like “It’s raining men”, “Singin’ in the rain” etc. that the winkelcenter decided to put on, were really starting to annoy us ;). Of course, I had my nicest suede puma shoes on. So we thought: Fuck it, we’ll just put them in plastic bags (thanks to Target Copy) and walk barefoot to Weaver Hall (my dorm).
Sooo happy with the free food that is provided by different associations. Not yet really sure if it’s good for me though, on Tuesday we got free pancakes! Some of them with chocolate chips even.

It’s time to prepare for: Dorian. A hurricane of probably cat 3 or 4 when it hits Florida. Sandbags are already handed out and people are reinforcing their doors. This is a strange thing to see and even stranger to hear about when you ask what it will be like. Water and electricity could fall out, which is why I’ll buy a baseball bat to defend my turf of the toilets (jk). I did do some grocery shopping, now I have enough water and glow sticks to survive this hurricane party.
On Friday we dared to go to the GatorNights, a weekly event with various activities. Besides waiting in line, we also got popcorn here to watch an improv group Shamilton, who had an amazing performance which included rap, dancing and a lot of humor. Also, we felt what it was like to move in a giant hamster wheel, while racing one another on a track with bumps. And of course we also did some board games here.